Roblox Fishing Simulator Fish

Roblox Fishing Simulator was created on 17 February 2019, which allows a maximum of 25 players to play simultaneously. This game creates the same experience as you get while fishing as in this, you can catch fish, hunt sharks, explore the island.

  1. Roblox Fishing Simulator Neon Fish
  2. Roblox Fishing Simulator Fish Areas

Roblox Fishing Simulator Neon Fish

Oct 1st, 2019
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Roblox Fishing Simulator Fish Areas

  1. for i = 1, 10 do
  2. Game.ReplicatedStorage.Connections.FishingCast:InvokeServer()
  3. wait()
  4. Game.ReplicatedStorage.Connections.FishingSellAll:InvokeServer()
  5. Game.ReplicatedStorage.Connections.FishingPurchaseBait:InvokeServer()
  6. end