Roblox Teleportservice Hack

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  1. Roblox Teleport Service
  2. Roblox Teleport Service Hacks
Dec 26th, 2019
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  1. local library =loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))()
  2. Main:Section('Combat')
  3. local zanpaktoName ='
  4. iftype(func)'function'then
  5. if scr then
  6. if scr.Parent game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack[zanpaktoName]then
  7. if i 30then
  8. end
  9. end
  10. end
  11. end
  12. while wait()do
  13. end
  14. local reg = getreg()
  15. for i, func innext, reg do
  16. local scr =getfenv(func).script
  17. pcall(function()
  18. if scr.Parent game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack['Hollow Combat']then
  19. ifdebug.getupvalue(func,8) game.Players.LocalPlayer.stats then
  20. end
  21. end
  22. end
  23. end
  24. while wait()do
  25. end
  26. Main:Section('Teleport')
  27. game:GetService('TeleportService'):Teleport(3508230276, game.Players.LocalPlayer)
  28. local b = Main:Button('Soul Society',function()
  29. game:GetService('TeleportService'):Teleport(3508149452, game.Players.LocalPlayer)
  30. local b = Main:Button('Beginner's World',function()
  31. game:GetService('TeleportService'):Teleport(2908458579, game.Players.LocalPlayer)
  32. local b = Main:Button('Teleport to Car',function()
  33. char = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Character
  34. ifstring.find(v.Name,'car')then
  35. end

Roblox Teleport Service

RAW Paste Data

Roblox Teleport Service Hacks

Apr 20th, 2020
Not a member of Pastebin yet?Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
  1. local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet('', true))()
  2. game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.Note:Fire('Join our discord for update info', 'Copied to clipboard', 4)
  3. example:Button('ESP Players', function()
  4. if v.Name game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then
  5. else
  6. local a ='BillboardGui',v.Character.HumanoidRootPart)
  7. a.Size =,0, 10,0) --,0, 10,0)
  8. local b ='Frame',a)
  9. b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.75
  10. b.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 255)
  11. c.Size =,0,2,0)
  12. c.TextSize = 20
  13. c.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  14. end
  15. for __,v in pairs(game.workspace:GetDescendants()) do
  16. for __,v in pairs(v:GetDescendants()) do
  17. local a ='BillboardGui',v)
  18. a.Size =,0, 10,0)
  19. local b ='Frame',a)
  20. b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.75
  21. b.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0)
  22. c.Size =,0,2,0)
  23. c.TextSize = 20
  24. c.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  25. end
  26. end
  27. for __,v in pairs(game.workspace.Entities:GetDescendants()) do
  28. local a ='BillboardGui',v)
  29. a.Size =,0, 10,0)
  30. local b ='Frame',a)
  31. b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.75
  32. b.BackgroundColor3 =, 255, 0)
  33. c.Size =,0,2,0)
  34. c.TextSize = 20
  35. c.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  36. end
  37. for __,v in pairs(game.workspace.Entities:GetDescendants()) do
  38. if v.Name 'Uses' and v.Parent:IsA('SurfaceGui') then
  39. local a ='BillboardGui',v.Parent.Parent.Parent)
  40. a.Size =,0, 10,0)
  41. local b ='Frame',a)
  42. b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.75
  43. b.BackgroundColor3 =, 255, 0)
  44. c.Size =,0,2,0)
  45. c.TextSize = 20
  46. c.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  47. end
  48. for __,v in pairs(game:GetDescendants()) do
  49. v:Destroy()
  50. end
  51. Misc:Button('Ctrl + Click Delete', function()
  52. local Plr = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer
  53. local CloneFolder ='Folder', game.workspace)
  54. Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
  55. if not game:GetService('UserInputService'):IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl) then return end
  56. local Part = Mouse.Target
  57. end)
  58. end)
  59. for __,v in pairs(game:GetService('Workspace').Buildings:GetDescendants()) do
  60. if v:IsA('Model') then
  61. v:Destroy()
  62. end
  63. end)
  64. Misc:Button('Hitbox Extender', function()
  65. if v.Name game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then
  66. v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Size =,50,50)
  67. local a ='BillboardGui',v.Character.HumanoidRootPart)
  68. a.Size =,0, 10,0)
  69. local b ='Frame',a)
  70. b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.75
  71. b.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 255)
  72. end
  73. local sound = 0
  74. if not isfolder('ElectricStateGUI') then makefolder('ElectricStateGUI') end
  75. if not isfolder('ElectricStateGUI/Audios') then makefolder('ElectricStateGUI/Audios') end
  76. Misc:Button('Copy All Node Sounds', function()
  77. mainfolderpath = 'ElectricStateGUI'
  78. for __,v in pairs(game:GetService('Workspace').Buildings:GetDescendants()) do
  79. sound = sound + 1
  80. writefile(Audiopath.. 'Sound '.. sound.. '.lua', v.SoundId)
  81. print('none')
  82. end
  83. game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.Note:Fire('Unsupported function.', 'Your exploit can't run this function', 4)
  84. end)
  85. Misc:Button('Rejoin', function()
  86. game:GetService('TeleportService'):Teleport(2262441883)
  87. game.workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].Humanoid.WalkSpeed = '20'
  88. for __,v in pairs(game:GetService('Workspace').Buildings:GetDescendants()) do
  89. if v.Name 'Killzone' and v.Parent.Name 'Node' then
  90. end
  91. end)
  92. Player:Button('FPS Boost', function()
  93. for __,v in pairs(game.workspace:GetDescendants()) do
  94. v.Material = 'Plastic'
  95. end
  96. for _,v in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
  97. if v.ClassName 'Decal' or v.ClassName 'Texture' then
  98. end
  99. end)
  100. Player:Button('Spam Advert', function()
  101. local Strings = {'-------------------------------------------'}
  102. game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage').DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer('/ad '.. Strings[math.random(1, #Strings)] , 'All')
  103. end)
  104. Player:Button('Hide Name', function()
  105. {
  106. ',
  107. }
  108. {
  109. tbl_0x2d289e3eabfbc95c
  110. game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage').Events.MenuActionEvent:FireServer(unpack(tbl_main))
  111. workspace.Camera.CameraSubject = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid
  112. game:GetService('TeleportService'):Teleport(2482884152)
  113. for __,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
  114. local tool = v:Clone()
  115. end
  116. end)
  117. Player:Button('Destroy GUI', function()
  118. for __,v in pairs(game.CoreGui:GetDescendants()) do
  119. _G.Loaded = false
  120. end
  121. end)
  122. Player:Button('TP All Printers To YOU', function()
  123. for __,v in pairs(game.workspace:GetDescendants()) do
  124. for __,v in pairs(v:GetDescendants()) do
  125. for __,v in pairs(v.Parent:GetDescendants()) do
  126. v.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  127. end
  128. end
  129. end
  130. for __,v in pairs(game:GetService('Workspace').Buildings:GetDescendants()) do
  131. if v.Parent.Parent.Name game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then
  132. tweenMove(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character,
  133. end
  134. end)
  135. Player:Toggle('NoClip', {flag = 'toggle1'}, function()
  136. for __,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetDescendants()) do
  137. if Player.flags.toggle1 then
  138. else
  139. end
  140. end
  141. flag = 'ws';
  142. }, function(new, old, enter)
  143. workspace.Camera.CameraSubject = player.Character.Humanoid
  144. min = 16;
  145. flag = 'walkspeed'
  146. game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = v;
  147. min = math.floor(workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView);
  148. flag = 'fov'
  149. workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = v;
  150. -- Telports 1
  151. local Teleports = library:CreateWindow('Teleports')
  152. for __,v in pairs(game.workspace:GetDescendants()) do
  153. for __,v in pairs(v:GetDescendants()) do
  154. Teleports:Button(tostring(v.Parent), function()
  155. tweenMove(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character,
  156. end
  157. end
  158. local Teleportss = library:CreateWindow('Teleports 2')
  159. for __,v in pairs(game.workspace.Entities:GetDescendants()) do
  160. v.Name = 'Int'
  161. end
  162. for __,v in pairs(game.workspace.Entities:GetDescendants()) do
  163. Teleportss:Button(tostring(v.Parent.Int.Value), function()
  164. tweenMove(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character,
  165. end
  166. local Teleportsss = library:CreateWindow('Teleports 3')
  167. for __,v in pairs(game.workspace.Entities:GetDescendants()) do
  168. if v.Name 'Uses' and v.Parent:IsA('SurfaceGui') then
  169. Teleportsss:Button(tostring(v.Parent.Parent.Parent), function()
  170. tweenMove(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character,
  171. end
  172. local tweenservice = game:GetService('TweenService')
  173. CFrameValue ='CFrameValue')
  174. CFrameValue.Value = model:GetPrimaryPartCFrame()
  175. CFrameValue:GetPropertyChangedSignal('Value'):connect(function()
  176. end)
  177. local Info = - target.Position).magnitude)/ 1000, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, 0, false, 0)
  178. local tween = tweenservice:Create(CFrameValue, Info, {Value = target})
  179. tween:Play()
  180. for __,v in pairs(game.CoreGui:GetDescendants()) do
  181. GUI = v.Parent
  182. end
  183. local open = true
  184. function onKeyPress(inputObject, gameProcessedEvent)
  185. if open then
  186. open = false
  187. GUI.Visible = true
  188. end
  189. end
  190. game:GetService('UserInputService').InputBegan:connect(onKeyPress)
RAW Paste Data
Roblox Teleportservice Hack